Featured Provider: Naomi Carey

We know that finding the right mental health therapist for you can make all the difference. 

Naomi is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), licensed to see patients via telehealth in New York. Here’s a little about Naomi in her own words. 

Meet Naomi 

To Me, Mental Wellness Is: 

Having the resources to cope with life’s ups and downs. This includes feeling a sense of connectedness, being able to access all parts of oneself, and to attend to all feelings — including painful ones. I became a mental health professional to help people manage emotional struggles and develop self-compassion.

My Priority Is To:

Establish a collaborative space in which patients feel free to express any feelings they’re having, as well as to discuss any thoughts or parts of themselves they want to explore.

My Professional Background

I’m a licensed clinical social worker with more than 20 years of experience within the field of mental health. I earned a graduate degree from the Smith College School for Social Work and completed postgraduate training in both individual and family therapy. My work is informed by psychodynamic, family systems, cognitive behavioral, and social justice theories.

I Work With Patients To: – Create a supportive, curious, collaborative space. 

  • – Work on understanding the meaning behind their symptoms.
  • – Find new ways to cope by focusing on personal goals, in the areas of their live where they have choices.

To schedule an appointment with Naomi or another experienced Vita mental health therapist or psychiatrist, call 844-866-8336 and speak to a Vita Care Coordinator! 

Vita Health Team

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